SPHERO’S have landed in Year 5/6 at Croydon Primary School! Sphero’s are a small app-controlled robot which students can code or free-control with ease. In Year 5/6 this term, Croydon students are exploring mathematical concepts such as grid referencing, distance, speed, time and co-ordinates and we are using our little Sphero buddies to show off our mathematical skills. After plotting their own grid paths, avoiding obstacles and challenges, students are almost ready to begin coding and preparing their Sphero to undertake the challenge. They will be looking at time, distance and speed to accurately send their Sphero down their planned path. Currently, students are beginning to explore the coding elements of Sphero, linked with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical) areas of the Victorian Curriculum. Stay tuned for more Sphero-related updates as the 5/6 students become experts in the field!