Physical Education

At Croydon Primary, all students participate in weekly P.E Sessions. The P.E curriculum focuses on the Fundamental Motor Skills, which are the ‘building blocks’ for more complicated sport and movement related actions. These skills are catch, run, vertical jump, overhand throw, ball bounce, leap, dodge, kick, forehand strike and two handed strike. Other areas covered include aquatics, gymnastics, sports skills, basic movement, outdoor adventure, games ball handling, fitness education and athletics.

Inter-school Sport
All students in Year 5 and 6 take part in interschool sport during Term 1 and 2. They play against local schools (Warrandyte South District) each Friday learning game sense, sport specific skills, fair play and sportsmanship.

Sports covered during inter-school sport are:
– Girls basketball
– Boys Basketball
– Hot Shots tennis
– Soccer
– Netball
– Volley ball
– Volley Stars

Interschool Cross Country
Students are selected to take part in the Maroondah District Cross Country event at Domeney Reserve. After competing against students from all schools across the district successful participants continue through to Division, Region and State level.

Sporting School
As a sporting school a visiting experts come to present a variety of sports to our Year 3 – 6 students. These sports include Orienteering, Athletics, Hot Shots Tennis and Volleyball.

Inter-school Athletics
Each year students from Year 3 – 6 take part in Athletics trials at school. Events include 100m, 200m, 400m and 800m, hurdles, high jump, long and triple jump. The school team is selected to take part in the Maroondah District Athletics carnival at the Bill Stewart Athletics Track. After competing against students from all schools across the district successful participants continue through to Division, Region and State level.

All students from Prep – Year 6 take part in yearly swimming lessons.


Students From Foundation to Year 2 also have weekly PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) sessions.

Perceptual Motor Program aims to give the children experiences in seeing, hearing, touching, processing, making perceptual judgments and reacting though carefully sequenced activities which children enjoy doing like running, hopping, skipping, jumping, balancing, crawling, climbing, throwing, catching, bowling, sliding, etc., using a variety of common and specially designed equipment.

The perceptions the child needs can be grouped as:
(a) perception of self (body image, body control, laterality) if problems of reversals, sidedness, etc. are to be avoided in the classroom.
(b) a perception of space, if problems with handwriting, poor use of time and inappropriate movement patterns are to be avoided.
(c) a perception of time (body rhythm) if the child is to be able to remember things rhythmically and move efficiently and effectively in his / her world.

A true Perceptual Motor Program aims to be “preventative rather than curative”, diagnosing and working with problems which impinge upon the child’s mode of operation in the classroom. By providing effective experiences and modes of operation, the child will have opportunities for more effective learning. It also develops good social skills and self esteem.

Bike Education

All students in Year 5 & 6 take part in a Bike education program. The school has a class set of bikes to provide for those who do not have their own.

The students become skilled in on-road and off-road riding, utilising the track we have around our oval and sanctuary. The program culminates in a bike riding camp in Maldon.