Student Leadership

Students at Croydon Primary School are able to experience positions of leadership and responsibility from Foundation right through to Grade 6.
Class Captains

Each term each class votes for two students to be their Class Captains. They receive an identifying badge at assembly and are given classroom responsibilities such as running messages to the office and helping other students in the playground. Students are encouraged to vote for classmates they look up to as people who display the school values of being organised, nurturing, a good team member, respectful and having a positive attitude.

Junior School Council

The Junior School Council is headed up by the Grade 6 Junior School Council Leaders and comprises of representatives from years 2 to 5, two from each class, who are voted in by their classmates. JSC members seek input and feedback from their peers. Meetings are held regularly to discuss fundraising opportunities and to make suggestions for improvements and initiatives, that are student led, to improve the school.

 Year 6 leadership

Each year our Grade 6 students are given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. There are various leadership positions available and students are invited to apply in writing for a position of their choice. They are then interviewed by a panel including the Principal and two teachers. This process mirrors the real world process of applying for employment and the students take on this challenge and continually impress with their responses.

Leadership positions include:

School Captains, School Vice Captains, House Captains, Junior School Council Leaders, Sports Leaders, Environmental & Arts Leaders and Assembly Leader.