Parent Info
We are very excited that we can once again conduct school tours on site. Please ring the school office to book an appointment with Principal, Julie Gilbert, on:
9723 2472
This year our school is using an online system for new enrolments to Victorian government schools called VicStudents.
VicStudents is available for students who are enrolling in a Victorian Government School for the first time. This includes Foundation (Prep) enrolments for 2025.
VicStudents has been assessed by the Department of Education to a high degree of security in line with the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards and is compliant with ISO 27001, the leading international standard for information security.
To commence online enrolment:
Visit to create an account and complete the online application form. Please ensure that all documents required are attached to the application.
To find your nearest school go to:
The transition from kindergarten or childcare to school is an exciting time for your family. All children handle it in different ways. Some may seem more than ready well before the day and others will need a little extra support.
Our transition program allows your child to become familiar with the school environment and the sorts of activities they will encounter. Your child will develop friendships with other children and a connection with their teacher well before the school year commences.
TERM 4 – All activities supported by Year 5 Leaders ( Buddies )
Classroom Literacy Sessions –Children will be actively involved in Literacy activities in the Prep classroom.
18 October 2024 2.30 – 3.30 pm
8 November 2024 2.30 – 3.30pm
22 November 2024 2.30 – 3.30 pm
Prep Parent Information Evening – Tuesday 26 November 2024 7.00 – 8.00 pm
Prep Orientation Morning – Tuesday 10 December 2024 9.15 – 10.30 am
Children will have the opportunity to meet their teacher and classmates for 2025.
Prep FAQs
There are often many questions that new Prep Parents have when looking at a school for their child. Here is a list of questions that commonly come up for us here at Croydon Primary. We hope you find them helpful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school to chat with our friendly staff, take a tour and meet our great teachers.
- When will my child eat?
Croydon Primary School timetable is as follows:
- How does Croydon address bullying?
At Croydon P.S. we have a policy of zero tolerance towards bullying. Through our Resilience and Respectful Relationships programs all students are explicitly taught and supported to develop healthy relationships and positive behaviours. Students are aware of the playground expectations and the process that exists if they cannot manage their behavior appropriately.
The yard is supervised at all times by teachers – before and after school and at recess and lunchtimes.
With all these measures in place our yard has been described as having a “gentleness” about it. With such large grounds children are able to find places to play without conflict. The library and art room are open at breaks to allow students access to quiet spaces if necessary. The Chaplain spends time in the yard supporting students to build friendships. Our students care for each other across year levels and display the positive attitudes we foster.
- I love the expansive grounds at Croydon, which areas can my Prep child play in?
We are so lucky to have beautiful grounds with lots of space for our students to enjoy. When the students are in the playground we have two teachers on duty at all times. These teachers wear fluorescent orange vests so that they are highly visible to the students.
At the beginning of the year the Prep students have the junior playground to themselves and are supervised by their class teacher. When they are ready to join the rest of the school community their buddies support them during playtimes.
We do not have designated areas for junior and senior students to play, except for the adventure playgrounds, as these have been designed to be size appropriate.
We find that our students play across levels, meeting in the sandpit and playing ball games on the oval or hard courts. Our borrowing systems allows students to play chess and snakes and ladders, draw with chalk and borrow costumes to use.
Cubby houses are also built in cooperative groups under the treed play space.
- Do you have a Buddy Program at Croydon Primary?
Every Prep student is paired with a Year Six buddy. We run buddy sessions every fortnight. Buddy activities may include computer skills, arts and crafts or team building games. The Year Six students also support their buddies in the yard and are on hand to help them to develop friendships.
- What happens if my child is hurt in the playground?
As mentioned previously, there are always two teachers in the yard wearing fluorescent orange vests. They will assess your child’s injury. If first aid is deemed necessary, they will give your child a first aid pass. Your child will take the pass to the staffroom and a first aid qualified staff member will tend to your child. If it is a minor injury you will simply get a note in your child’s green pouch informing you that they have visited the first aid room and a short description of the incident. If the incident is more serious, you will be phoned immediately. It is important that your emergency contact details are always kept up to date at the office.
- I’m running late to pick up my child, what do I do?
We all know that life throws us some curveballs sometimes and running late on the odd occasion is not unusual. The yard duty teacher stays in the yard until 3.45. If there are still students in the yard they will then be looked after in the office until they are collected. You never need to worry that your child will be left in the school yard on their own.
The best course of action is to call the school and let them know you are running late. If you will only be 5 minutes late your child can wait at the office until you arrive.
The other option is to enrol them in the Out of School Hours Program. You can enrol your child early in the year and then use the program as required. Camp Australia provides a fabulous program for the children. It is also nice to know that you have a ‘back up option’ should you ever need it.
- Where do I go to buy a uniform?
The school runs its own Uniform Shop. The shop is open on Monday mornings from 8:30am to 9:15am.
You can also order uniform at any time through the office and the items will be sent home with your child.
- How do I keep up to date with what’s happening at school?
Your child will receive a “green satchel” with their book pack at the beginning of the year. All important correspondence will arrive home in the satchel.
Your child will receive the school newsletter once a fortnight with information and diary dates. Your class teacher will also provide information on special events and excursions via notices in the satchel.
The school website is also continually updated providing calendar dates and recent news items.
- How do the parent contributions work?
At Croydon Primary School we endeavor to keep our annual parent contributions as low as possible. In 2018 they were $230. This includes items such as the student book bag, classroom resources, art materials and computer leases.
Each term teachers organize incursions and excursions as part of the curriculum program. A notice will be sent home with the details and cost of the activity. This fee can be paid at the office anytime prior to the event. Activities change depending on the unit being taught. Regular activities will include swimming in Term 4 and the Prep breakfast.
If you have any further questions please contact the school on 9723 2472
TheirCare operate our before and after care program at Croydon Primary School. The co-ordinator and can be contacted via the school office number.
Hours of operation are:
Before care from 7.00am until 8.45am. Breakfast is provided.
After care is from 3.30pm until 6.15pm. Afternoon tea is provided.
From 2025
Before care 6.30 am – 8.45am
After school care 3.30 – 6.30 pm
Curriculum day care and school holiday care also available.
We encourage all families to register with TheirCare just in case you need to use the facility on a casual basis.
Registrations and bookings can be made via the website
Effective communication between teachers and parents at Croydon Primary School is made possible through several avenues during the school year.
These include our school website, newsletters, school assemblies, information sessions, meetings, community events, parent/teacher conferences and individual progress reports.
Information is also distributed by teachers to familiarise parents with their children’s day – to- day class activities.
A newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Students bring them home Thursday afternoon and they are posted on the school website.
School Assemblies
School Assemblies are held every Friday afternoon at 3.00pm.
Travel to school
Please find a map of our schools area on the CPS Travel Planner which shows supervised, pedestrian and train crossings in the area.
Internet Safety
Is kik ok for kids?
Online Safety:
Staying Safe Online:
Cyber Safety Solutions: